C.J. Ham and Murray Pty Ltd have been involved over many years in providing advice to assist both land owners, quarry and landfill operators in negotiating lease terms and royalty payments, rating and taxing assessments, succession planning and marketing.
Our Consultancy Services
Royalty disputes do occasionally arise and to assist in this process we act for clients in instances where mediation or Court proceedings are instigated. It is noted that in some States of Australia freehold land is depth limited and Crown royalties may apply in addition to royalty payments negotiated between a land owner and quarry operator. We also act for clients in compulsory acquisitions claims for various purposes with recent major projects including the Victorian Desalination Pipeline, the Regional Rail Link Project, the Pakenham Bypass, and numerous easement and land acquisitions by Municipal Authorities.
Valuation advice is also provided to assist clients in relation to rating objections, Capital Gains Tax, Land Tax and Stamp Duty purposes. Our many clients also include operators from within the plantation industry, dairy industry, wine industry and residential development market.
If you require specialised valuation services or are seeking to acquire or sell extractive industry or landfill assets then we would be pleased to discuss how we can assist in that process.